Article: How long is the average delay between theatrical and SVOD release?


This thread is to discuss the article entitled “How long is the average delay between theatrical and SVOD release?

A couple of questions which occurred to me in the writing of the piece were:

  1. Will we see a flattening of this window over time, as we see with the Home Ent and international theatrical releasing? IMO, it seems impossible to tell right now, given just how fast SVOD is changing (mostly the shift from a small number of player to many walled gardens prizing original content).
  2. How does this data relate to the globalisation of the film business as a whole? There’s no doubt that most SVOD platforms would prefer a single global market, and it could be argued that the Studios are also in that camp. But the rest of the film industry has been historically resistant (a case in point is the successful fight against the Single Digital Market in the EU).

All thoughts on the topic welcomed.

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