For each TV title, we calculate a Popularity Score, taking into account the total number of views and the length of time the title has been available to viewers in the relevant country. It is expressed as a number between 0 and 100, with the most successful title in that country receiving a score of 100. Therefore, a TV title with a score of 50 is half as popular as the top title. You can read a full breakdown of how we calculate these scores here.
Beyond the huge offering of US shows, American audiences of Netflix have access to British comedies, Brazilian dramas, and Scandinavian crime thrillers, amongst other things.
But did they choose shows from beyond their borders, or stick closer to home? The clickstream data reveals which countries piqued the interest of the US viewing public.
Where are Netflix’s TV shows produced?
Let’s start by looking at the shows on offer and then bring in viewing data to see what audiences are actually watching.
American shows account for 42.7% of the content available on Netflix (US) during our study period. That’s a huge percentage, which no other country comes even close to matching.
Top international sources were the UK (19.7% of titles), Canada (8.0%), Japan (6.9%) and South Korea (5.8%).

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