Our dataset allows us to track the viewing behaviours of a large number of Netflix viewers. Using this, we are able to measure attributes of content which are normally not available to people outside of SVOD platforms. One such attribute is the extent to which a movie is watched by the same user more than once.
We tracked how many times each movie was watched more than once by each of our users. To count as being a ‘watch,’ the user had to complete at least half the movie and a ‘re-watch’ is triggered any time they watch more than half the movie again.
Children watching content on loop
We found that the genres which were most likely to be re-watched were Family, Musical and Animation. The unifying factor here is likely to be children, in that children enjoy re-watching content far more than adults.
The genres at the other end of the spectrum (i.e. least re-watched) are much more likely to have an adult audience, namely Horror, Thriller and Documentary.

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