For each TV title, we calculate a Popularity Score, taking into account the total number of views and the length of time the title has been available to viewers in the relevant country. It is expressed as a number between 0 and 100, with the most successful title in that country receiving a score of 100. Therefore, a TV title with a score of 50 is half as popular as the top title. You can read a full breakdown of how we calculate these scores here.
Kevin’s famous chilli. The fire that was only a simulation. Dwight’s stapler in Jello. If you know The Office, you know these classic scenes. NBC’s The Office, a mockumentary starring Steve Carell and based on the UK show of the same name, first hit screens in 2005.
The final episode aired back in 2013, but the age of on-demand video has allowed audiences to keep enjoying it over and over, or to discover it for the first time a little later on. But just how did it fare with Netflix audiences, and how did they consume the show?
The most-watched episodes of ‘The Office’
We might presume that the first episodes of a series are going to be the most-watched, with audiences gradually tailing off. Interestingly, that’s not what happened on Netflix. We’ll get to why, but let’s start with which episodes were the most popular.
Seven out of the top ten most popular episodes of The Office in the US were from season 4, which originally aired in 2007 just before the writers’ strike. Story-wise, it’s regarded by many as the best season.
The top-performing episode in our research was the Season 4 premiere, followed by the second episode of the same season, and the third highest-ranking episode was the season 4 finale. Season 1 Episode 1, which you might imagine would come top of the list, only features at number eight on the chart. It seems that audiences don’t always want to start at the very beginning.

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